Reading List: july 2018 onwards ->
This is a list of reading materials including scholarly articles, research reports, journal entries, freelance and institutionally based journal entries, audio works, videos, and lecture series that I have experienced. I began building the list in July, 2018, and have entered any media/content that I consider valuable and relevant to my creative work and professional research, to the best of my memory and ability to log on a consistent basis.
I really have not included artworks or cinematic works in this list. There are a few that dance along those lines, but that list will be added at some later time.
Read (Watched)
Mereology in Stanford’s Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Architecture Foundation, University of East London: Mereological Tectonics
Gestalt Theory, Wertheimer
Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson - Vancouver - 1
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 01: Prolegomenon to the Study of Consciousness
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 02: Neurons, the Atoms of Perception
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 03: The First Steps in Seeing
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 04: Primary Visual Cortex
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 05: Neuronal Correlates of Consciousness
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 06: Architecture of Cortex & Going Beyond Primary Visual Cortex
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 07: Attention and Consciousness
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 08: The Neuronal Underpinnings of Attention
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 09: Memories & Consciousness
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 10: The Zombie Within
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 11: Clinical Evidence for Zombie Agents
GAD 1 glutamate decarboxylase 1 (gene in humans)
UCTV, Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science Lecture, 2008
The Brain And Chronic Exposure To Nicotine, (The CNRS)
Nicotine treatment of mild cognitive impairment, (A 6-month double-blind pilot clinical trial)
Diet, evolution, gut health and brain function - Professor John Furness and Dr Martin Stebbing
The Pattern of Abilities and Development of Girls with Asperger Syndrome by Tony Attwood
Death by Calcium, Redox Balance, Chronic Disease & Vitamin C by Dr Thomas Levy
Part 1 + 2: Christian A Stewart-Ferrer on Asperger's/Autism
Caltech lectures, Christof Koch: Lecture 13: On Time and Consciousness
Lecture on vitamin C by brilliant Suzanne Humphries
Asperger's and Autism: Brain Differences Found
Autism: An evolutionary perspective, Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, 1st Symposium of EPSIG, 2016
The Psychology of Emotional and Cognitive Empathy
The Neurodevelopment of Empathy in Humans, Jean Decety, Karger Developmental Neuroscience
Caloric Intake and Aging, Richard Weindruch, Ph.D. and Rajindar S. Sohal, Ph.D.
Increasing Healthy Human Lifespan, Laura Deming of The Longevity Fund
Abdominal Pains and Migraine in Autism
Metabolic Syndrome in Migraine Patients: Recent Findings and Treatment Approach, Rajesh Dubey
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Migraines, (Sydney Cognitive Development Centre)
Leemon Baird x Harvard Talk - Hashgraph: New Directions for Blockchains & Distributed Ledgers
Day1 am - Mind and Life XXVI: Mind, Brain and Matter (Dalai Lama, Christof Koch)
Paleo diet: Big brains needed carbs | Importance of dietary carbohydrate in human evolution
Here's How Google Makes Sure It (Almost) Never Goes Down
Google goes dark for 2 minutes, kills 40% of world's net traffic
Top 10 biggest data centres from around the world
The 25 Largest Internet Companies In The World
DARPA, KAIROS | Darpa Wants to Build an AI to Find the Patterns Hidden in Global Chaos
The Global Consciousness Project - Ph.D. Roger Nelson
CARTA: Uniquely-Human Features of the Brain: John Allman - Von Economo Neurons
Radiolab - Spindle Cells [Dr. Patrick Hof and Jonah Lehrer]
The neurons that shaped civilization | VS Ramachandran
Quanta Magazine: Major Quantum Computing Advance Made Obsolete by Teenager
The Biggest Winner of Auction Week and 12 Other Takeaways From New York's $2 Billion Sales | artnet News
Intermittent metabolic switching, neuroplasticity and brain health
Beyond MSG: Could Hidden Sources of Glutamate Be Harming Your Health?
Cortical Glutamate in Migraines, Oxford Academic, BRAIN: A Journal of Neurology
Glutamate Levels Higher in People with Migraines, James Cottrill, Headache and Migraine News
Western Digital Blog: CPU Bandwidth – The Worrisome 2020 Trend
Facial recognition's failings: Coping with uncertainty in the age of machine learning / TechRepublic Article ("It's getting our heads around the fact that we're now very much in the world of uncertainty, not the world of logic.") THE AGE OF HEURISTICS
What is Deep Learning? Everything you need to know, Nick Heath, ZDNet
Neurons and Synapses, from The Human Memory
Tor Bair, Medium: Exponential Growth Isn’t Cool. Combinatorial Growth Is.
Jaron Lanier on the Future of Our Digital Lives
Richard Brautigan (poem), “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace”
Franco “Bifo” Berardi, “Cognitarian Subjectivation” (E-Flux #20)
The Minicolumnopathy of Autism: a Link between Migraine and Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Manuel F. Casanova, MD, NCBI
Running as the Thinking Person’s Sport, Gretchen Reynolds, The New York Times
Citizenfour, Laura Poitras, Thoughtmaybe
HyperNormalisation, Adam Curtis, Thoughtmaybe
All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace, Adam Curtis, Thoughtmaybe
The Century of the Self, Adam Curtis, Thoughtmaybe
The Truth About Killer Robots, Maxim Pozdorovkin, Thoughtmaybe
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties, Jordan Brown, Thoughtmaybe
“There’s such a thing as ‘autism camouflaging’ and it might explain why some people are diagnosed so late”, The British Psychological Society, Research Digest
Quora from Eric Leow Yu Quan on Elizabeth Holmes
The Times Literary Supplement, God is in the machine.
AAMC Article (cited in Pietra + Health Care): Addressing the Escalating Psychiatrist Shortage
NVIDIA Article: Tumor Tracking: How a Neural Network Compares Brain MRIs in a Flash
Ray Kurzweil - The Age of Intelligent Machines
Reading (Watching)
Rebuilding Strategic Thinking, Robert L. Hutchings and Gregory Treverton, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C
Hameroff + Penrose: Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory
Nielsen’s Law of Internet Bandwidth
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Rational Mechanisms: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, MassTime, Gravity or Mass
Johnjoe McFadden, Synchronous Firing and Its Influence on the Brain’s Electromagnetic Field: Evidence for an Electromagnetic Field Theory of Consciousness
Google's AI Wins Fifth And Final Game Against Go Genius Lee Sedol, Wired
A Neural Conversational Model, Oriol Vinyals, Quoc V. Le (Google)
Glutamate antagonists: Deadly liaisons with cancer, NCBI, Esper A. Cavalheiro and John W. Olney
How to use Seawater to grow Food in the Desert, BBC, Future Now
The NIC Global Trends 2017 Report, “The Paradox of Progress”
Immanuel Kant, “The Critique of Pure Reason”
“The Eyes Have It”, Philip K. Dick, 1953
Stefan Kojouharov, “Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data”
All Things Considered, NPR Article, “Former CIA Agent Chronicles Her Side of Leak Case”
Leo Galland, NIH Journal of Medicinal Food, “The Gut Microbiome and the Brain”
Jama Network: Relationship Between Household Income and Mental Disorders: Findings From a Population-Based Longitudinal Study
Electrolytes & Migraines, Angela A. Stanton, The Faseb Journal
The Art Market 2018 Report, Art Basel and UBS, prepared by Dr. Clare McAndrew
Asperger’s and related disorders, Ronald B. David, Candace H. David and Lisa S. Riley
To Read (Watch)
Leśniewski's Foundations of the General Theory of Sets (1916) and Foundations of Mathematics (1927–1931)
Husserl's third Logical Investigation (1901)
Leonard and Goodman's The Calculus of Individuals (1940)
Sam Harris & Jordan Peterson - Vancouver - 2, 3
Playtime: Isaac Julien @ LACMA
Blockchain 3.0 The Future of DLT? (DAG, IOTO, Hashgraph evolution from blockchain)
Hyperledger vs Ethereum Training: Which one is better?
A quantum-inspired classical algorithm for recommendation systems by Ewin Tang
“But what *is* a Neural Network?” | Deep learning, Chapter 1
How the backpropagation algorithm works
“What is backpropagation really doing?” | Deep learning, Chapter 3
An introduction to heuristic algorithms
Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition
The Microbiome of Animals: Implications for Conservation Biology
How Facebook Squashes Competition From Startups (Wall Street Journal)
“How My Nobel Dream Bit the Dust”, Nautilus article | My team thought we’d proved cosmological inflation. We were wrong.
Plot::conformal, Mathworks
“Optical Conformal Mapping”, from
Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' corroborates theory of consciousness
Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: A model for consciousness
Observer v. Pub-Sub pattern of observation
MCTs- Monte Carlo Tree Search--- [for correlation to Medium Chain Triglycerides]
The Price of Everything’ Has a Vision of the Art Market to Sell You. Don’t Buy It, Tim Schneider, from Artnet News
J.B. Handley blog on autism, April 2018
“Industry and Intelligence: Contemporary Art Since 1820”, Liam Gillick
Katherine Hayles, “How We Became Posthuman”
Norbert Wiener, “The Human Use of Human Beings”
E.M. Forster, “The Machine Stops”
Max Read, “Does Facebook Need a Constitution?”
Natalie Wolchover, QuantaMagazine, “The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature”
Fred Turner, “From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism”
Nadia Eghbal, “An alternate ending to the tragedy of the commons”
“Glutamate and Psychiatric Disorders”, Cambridge
“Executive Functions”, NCBI [Controversies are addressed (e.g., the relation between EFs and fluid intelligence, self-regulation, executive attention, and effortful control, and the relation between working memory and inhibition and attention].
“Distributed Virtual Machines: A System Architecture for Network Computing”
Useful References/Links
Various Ways Free Glutamate (MSG) is Labeled on Foods
Solid (Tim Berner's Lee)
GANS - Generative Adversarial Networks