Published Research Posters
Role: Lead author, presenter, and designer for the following four research presentations. Served as a member of the research team for each study. Additional co-authorships can be found on my ResearchGate page.
Details: Each poster was presented at Annual Conventions of the American Psychological Association (2021-2023).
Service, S., Marcovich, O., & Jacquin, K. M. (2023, August 3-5). Self-Medicating Motives in Medical and Non-Medical Users of Prescription Sedatives. [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C., United States.
Service, S., & Jacquin, K. M. (2022, August 4-6). Decentralized computing and data mining: Securing neuropsychological data and open-science practices. [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN, United States. (Nominated for Blue Ribbon Award).
Service, S., & Jacquin, K. M. (2022, August 4-6). Childhood maltreatment and cognitive intelligence predict cluster A personality characteristics. [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Service, S., & Jacquin, K. M. (2021, August 12-14). Autism symptoms can be measured as isolated constructs. [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, virtual.
Apa: Division 55
The tablet newsletter
What is it?
The American Psychological Association’s (APA) Division 55, Society for Prescribing Psychology, is a professional organization within the APA dedicated to improving futures for patient’s and practice of prescribing psychologists. Division 55’s seasonal newsletter, The Tablet, highlights legislative updates, division news, and stories relevant to the practice of prescribing psychologists.
As a member of The Tablet’s Editorial & Design Team, I worked as a lead designer and content developer. I co-authored the Student Corner’s first article which reported our interview with two practicing prescribing psychologists in Texas.
The challenge: We set out to re-vamp The Tablet’s out-of-date design that relied heavily on Microsoft Word graphics. We were also challenged with spearheading a student-forward editorial section.
The solution: Using Canva to collaborate live with the design team, we created updated color schemes based on The Tablet’s original design, updated the logo, established typeface & font sets, created new graphical templates, and made the web-only newsletter interactive with live links & media. Initiated the Student Corner section, including publishing an article, original infographics, and calls-to-action.
Role: Graphic Designer, Cover Designer; Content Developer for The Student Corner (Editions: Spring 2023, Summer 2023, Spring 2024)
The Tablet, Summer 2023 Edition, Sample pages