What is it?
The Digital Art Database is designed to be a regionally based archive and resource for curators in the DFW metroplex. As a library of artworks that have a primarily digital form, this nonprofit organization to-be seeks to serve curators by providing expanded access to innately digital artwork created and published within the metroplex.
Role: Founder, Director, Creative Director
Status: speculative
Our Purpose
We seek to serve curators in the DFW community by maintaining and providing access to our online archive and database for art which is innately digital, also referred to as digital-born art.
As our first goal is to archive, we will not filter submissions beyond the basis that they are indeed, artworks. Accordingly, our catalogue becomes an unprecedented resource for curators, as our catalogue is pre-curated.
This calls on our second goal, which is to help curators access the broad pool of artistic work that is coming out of the region. As a pre-curated catalogue of innately digital art from the DFW metroplex, curators can see the full field for the first time, selecting the best works according to their own curatorial standards.
What’s Next?
Please message if you have any questions or interest in participating or collaborating with us.
We want to connect with curators so we can keep you apprised of our updates. If interested, send us a message.
We want to connect with artists to get to know you and your work and keep you apprised of our progress. If you have questions or want to join our Interest List, let us know.